"This should be 10yrs & a fine", "Embraid"

August 2020 Β· 5 minute read

Joel Embiid returned to the court on Tuesday after missing the previous three games with a foot injury. The Philadelphia 76ers star showed up with a new haircut as he had his hair braided.

Fans took to Twitter to comically share their thoughts on the five-time All-Star's new hairstyle. @FoamThumb stated:


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70% Win


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@luke_schimeneck opted to give the 76ers big man a new nickname, dubbing him:


@cbx3_ compared Embiid to the late rapper Pop Smoke, claiming:

"It took for Embiid to braid his hair for me to realize he look like Pop Smoke πŸ˜‚"

@Justlove_drea was confused by the look and needed a double take:

"I had to look twice what in the hell embiid did to his hair πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚"

@bigseb31213 was not impressed with the look, stating:

"Embiid, buddy, that hair does not look good on you"

@YourManDevine referenced an old photo of Andrew Bynum with the hopes that the Philadelphia 76ers big man will recreate it:

"We're gonna need a shot of Embiid with the braids half undone, for spiritual symmetry."

@Sean_Barnard1 questioned Embiid's choice of opponent to debut his new hairstyle:

"It’s a little unfair Embiid broke out the braids against the Pistons Gotta save that for the Celtics or something"

Check out some of the best reactions to Joel Embiid's braids below:

How did Joel Embiid perform in his first game back?

Aside from displaying a new hairstyle, Tuesday's game marked Joel Embiid's first game in the lineup in over a week. While he played just 24 minutes, the Philadelphia 76ers star picked up where he left off, finishing with 36 points, 11 rebounds, one assist, and two blocks while shooting 12-20 from the field, 1-3 from 3-point range, and 11-11 from the free-throw line.

Embiid has played at an MVP level, however, he has played in just 29 of the 76ers' 40 games. He is currently averaging 33.6 points, 9.9 rebounds, 4.4 assists, 1.1 steals, and 1.7 blocks per game while shooting 53.4% from the field, 34.1% from 3-point range, and 85.8% from the free-throw line.

While the MVP race is very crowded this year, Embiid is definitely in the conversation. More importantly, the 76ers' 147-116 win improved their record to 25-15 as they surpassed the Cleveland Cavaliers for fourth place in the Eastern Conference. Philadelphia is currently three and a half games behind the conference-leading Boston Celtics.

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