This City Has Been Named the Murder Capital of Missouri

September 2021 · 5 minute read
This City Has Been Named the Murder Capital of Missouri

Homicide stands as one of the gravest and most severe offenses within any society. Its repercussions extend beyond the victims and their families, permeating the communities and undermining the general sense of safety and security. Hence, it is imperative to fathom the elements influencing murder rates and how these factors fluctuate across diverse regions and municipalities.

Within this piece, we concentrate on the state of Missouri, classified as the sixth most perilous state in the U.S. in relation to violent crime. We investigate which city in Missouri clinches the ominous title of murder capital, derived from the most recent available data from 2014. Additionally, we scrutinize potential causes for this lamentable distinction and deliberate on remedial actions.

St. Louis: The Murder Capital of Missouri

As per the analysis by RoadSnacks, based on the 2014 FBI Uniform Crime Report, St. Louis emerges as Missouri’s murder capital. The ranking is determined through a fusion of total murders and murder rates per capita. In 2014, St. Louis recorded the highest count of murders (159) and secured the second-highest murder rate (49.9 per 100,000 people) in Missouri.

Remarkably, St. Louis outpaced its metropolitan counterpart, Kansas City, which clinched the fifth spot on the list with 78 homicides and a murder rate of 23.3 per 100,000 people. The only city surpassing St. Louis in terms of murder rate was Wellston, a petite suburb in northern St. Louis County, boasting an alarming rate of 85.6 per 100,000 people, though its overall murder count was merely two, securing the second spot on the list.

St. Louis has grappled with high levels of violence and criminal activities for several decades, persistently securing its position among the nation’s most perilous cities. In recent years, St. Louis has been named the U.S.’s murder capital multiple times, although it temporarily relinquished this position to New Orleans in 2020, which boasted a higher murder rate of 68.1 per 100,000 people compared to St. Louis’ 66.1 per 100,000 people.

What Are The Causes Of High Murder Rates In St. Louis?

The explanation for St. Louis’s high murder rates compared to other Missouri cities and the nation at large remains multifaceted and elusive. Nonetheless, several potential factors have been suggested by experts and researchers, encompassing:

Socioeconomic Disparities: St. Louis grapples with pronounced poverty, unemployment, and income disparities, notably along racial lines. In 2019, the city’s poverty rate stood at 23%, significantly exceeding the state (13%) and national (12%) averages. The unemployment rate in St. Louis in August 2020 was 8%, surpassing Missouri’s rate of 7% and the U.S. rate of 8.4%. Moreover, the median household income in St. Louis lags behind, totaling $43,889 in 2019, compared to $57,409 in Missouri and $65,712 nationally. Furthermore, the city is home to a substantial African American population (46%) that faces systemic discrimination and marginalization.

Segregation and Isolation: St. Louis ranks among the most racially segregated cities in the United States, marked by stark divisions between predominantly white and predominantly black neighborhoods. This segregation stems from historical discriminatory policies and practices that have constrained access to housing, education, healthcare, employment, and various opportunities for minority communities, thereby fostering a sense of isolation and alienation among many residents.

Dwindling Trust and Collaboration: Trust and collaboration between St. Louis residents and its institutions, especially law enforcement agencies, are significantly deficient. This mistrust traces its origins to a history of police brutality, corruption, racism, and misconduct, which have corroded public confidence and faith. It also hampers efficient communication and cooperation among various stakeholders and agencies engaged in crime prevention and resolution.

Proliferation of Firearms: St. Louis faces heightened firearm accessibility among its residents, amplifying the risk of lethal violence. In 2013, Missouri claimed the highest firearm ownership rate (41%) across all states, as documented by Harvard University researchers. The state also boasts some of the most lenient gun laws in the U.S., permitting the carrying of concealed weapons without the necessity of a permit, background check, or training. These lax regulations further complicate law enforcement’s efforts to trace illegal firearms and prosecute offenders.

What Can Be Done To Reduce Murder Rates In St. Louis?

Mitigating the murder rates in St. Louis is a formidable and intricate endeavor, necessitating a comprehensive and synchronized approach from multiple stakeholders and sectors. A range of strategies and solutions have been proposed or implemented to address this pressing issue, including:

Tackling Root Causes: Curbing murder rates demands the systematic dismantling of underlying social, economic, and structural factors contributing to violence and crime. This entails enhancing living conditions, opportunities, and general well-being for residents, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable and marginalized individuals. Additionally, it requires an unwavering commitment to combating deeply entrenched issues of racism, discrimination, and injustice that have plagued the city for generations.

Empowering Communities: Effectively reducing murder rates entails empowering and engaging the communities most affected by violence and crime. This encompasses active involvement of residents, leaders, and organizations in identifying issues, devising solutions, and securing relevant resources within their specific contexts. Strengthening social capital, cohesion, and resilience within these communities is equally vital.

Enhancing Law Enforcement: The effectiveness and accountability of law enforcement agencies must be bolstered to curb murder rates. This includes improving training, supervision, and evaluation of police officers and personnel. Enhanced transparency, oversight, and reform of police policies and practices are essential to rebuild public trust and confidence.

Employing Evidence-Based Approaches: Implementing proven, evidence-based interventions and innovations is critical in curbing murder rates. Best practices and models, validated through rigorous research, should be adopted and tailored to the specific challenges and opportunities within St. Louis. Encouraging creative, novel approaches with the potential to address local issues is also instrumental in the fight against crime.


St. Louis, as per the 2014 data, emerges as Missouri’s murder capital. The city’s struggle with elevated levels of violence and crime can be attributed to a complex interplay of factors, including socioeconomic disparities, segregation, mistrust, and firearm availability.

Addressing this issue demands a multifaceted approach, entailing a relentless commitment to eradicating root causes, community empowerment, law enforcement enhancement, and evidence-based interventions. By adopting these strategies, St. Louis can aspire to reduce its murder rates and foster a safer, more secure environment for all its residents.
