Tesco's 'penis'-themed buttermilk and other design fails | Tesco

May 2022 · 3 minute read
This article is more than 9 years old

Tesco's 'penis'-themed buttermilk and other design fails

This article is more than 9 years old

Spotted in Tesco: a carton of buttermilk with what looks a lot like a giant, orange penis on it. Have you spotted any design fails recently?

Whoever designed this package of buttermilk may well have had something else on their mind at the time.

There’s no escaping it: the design on this carton looks a lot like a penis. And it’s a carton of buttermilk. We don’t need to say much more.

The unfortunate design hasn’t gone unnoticed and attracted puns galore when it was posted on Reddit over the weekend. “They really made a cock and balls of this branding,” quipped redditor andyburdens, who said he found the cartons on the shelves of an Irish Tesco branch.

And in case you were wondering: it’s not photoshopped, though the item is only available on Tesco’s Irish website.

It hasn’t helped that one mischievous customer appears to have added a crease to the carton on the right to make it look even more like a penis.

Obviously, there have been jokes aplenty.

Tesco's own-brand buttermilk brings whole new meaning to the term 'packaging' pic.twitter.com/nmDWTLwsnf

— Oscar (@CynicalOscar) October 26, 2014

Really Tesco - this is your pakaging design? And on your 'buttermilk' too? Too many bad jokes http://t.co/YuyB0wHm7S pic.twitter.com/AI0DuFv1Vs

— Jan Freedman (@janfreedman) October 26, 2014

Oh Tesco. I'm not sure this creamy stuff is buttermilk.... http://t.co/XYcuBa2LPw via @MetroUK

— Doug Segal (@doug_segal) October 27, 2014

This won’t be the last time design fails cause a titter on Twitter – and this is by no means the first time:

The London 2012 logo Photograph: London 2012/PA

Imagine designing a logo for one of the biggest sporting events London has ever hosted... only to be told it looks like Lisa Simpson giving a blow job. It was also called a “broken swastika” and just plain “rubbish” when it was unveiled in 2007.

Tesco’s Welsh lady ass fudge

Dear Tesco, when faced with the decision of which word to abbreviate, 'Assorted' is not the one to chose. pic.twitter.com/RQiPwwfGoK

— James HodcroftⓂ️ (@jameshodcroft) November 19, 2013

Sorry to pick on you again, Tesco, but this one’s too good not to bring up again. It’s an image which has circulated since late 2013 – so much so, BuzzFeed reckoned it should have gone into sharing retirement last year.

Air BnB

Airbnb’s new logo … What do you see? Photograph: Airbnb

Apartment rental site Airbnb was subject to endless mocking earlier this year when they unveiled their new logo. Instead of fanfare people reacted like this:

Okay yes and balls? I challenge you to name a sexual area not evoked by the Airbnb logo http://t.co/ptp3YUHM7j

— Nitasha Tiku (@nitashatiku) July 16, 2014

Oh dear.

Here are some more as suggested in the comments:

Office of Government Commerce

Office of Government Commerce was a rather good one. Better was their response to queries - something about getting a firm grip on public project delivery costs.


The 'Office of Government Commerce' didn't really make a good logo choice.. pic.twitter.com/dCxMrj3Cy9

— -n (@htimsnad) April 23, 2014

Back story on that logo can be found here.

Euro plus Scandanavia

Picked up some Euro's today. Whoever designed them coins did not like Scandinavia! #Sack pic.twitter.com/Sbkgck64NN

— John Walsh (@JohnWalsh_) February 23, 2013

The Euro penis?


All Euro coins have a nob and balls on due to the decision to remove Norway from the map.
Can we do amusingly shaped vegetables next week?


What’s the biggest design fail you’ve ever seen? Let us know in the comments below.
