Neymar was a skinny kid addicted to junk food... but now he has quicker feet than Pele

January 2023 · 10 minute read

Neymar was a skinny kid who was addicted to junk food... but now he's been weaned off burgers, he has quicker feet than Pele



Sitting in the museum at the Vila Belmiro, the rather charming old stadium that is home to Santos, is an elderly gentleman who is laughing about how Pele used to snore and Neymar once had a terrible weakness for ‘burgers and soda’.

His name is Lima, and he is in the unique position of having worked closely with both of them.

He was not just Pele’s Santos team-mate and a member of the Brazil side that failed to progress from its group in the 1966 World Cup. He roomed with the greatest player in history for 11 years.

VIDEO Scroll down to watch Neymar highlights his brilliance

Roar talent: Neymar lets it all out after scoring Brazil's equaliser against Croatia (below) in the opening game

Roar talent: Neymar lets it all out after scoring Brazil's equaliser against Croatia (below) in the opening game

   Instant impact: Neymar scores when Brazil need it most  



And he did not just coach Neymar as a youngster. He took a 13-year-old Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior into his Under 15 side, weaned him off junk food, put him on a special weights programme, turned him from a pure striker into a playmaker and taught him to use his left foot.

‘I sent him a message on Facebook after the Croatia game,’ he says. ‘I said: “See? It’s good to score with your left!”’

During a career that spanned almost 700 games for Santos, Lima was known as the ‘lung’ of the team and ‘O Curinga’; the joker in the pack.

He was a defender, but he was also expected to be as comfortable on one foot as the other. Such skill is part of the DNA of this club, as the words on one exhibit in the museum illustrate. ‘At a time when toe-kicking was something to be ashamed of, our defenders were as brilliant as our strikers, who used to drive the fans into a frenzy with their dribbling skills and stunning goals.’

The museum is a shrine to all the great Santos players and to the 12,054 goals they have scored; they keep a running total on a digital scoreboard. But it is to Pele and Neymar that most of the attention is devoted. To these two sons of Santos who face one another in the form of two stunning sculptures that provide the centrepiece to the museum.

Sons of Santos: Pele embraces Neymar during the club's 100th anniversary celebrations in 2012

Sons of Santos: Pele embraces Neymar during the club's 100th anniversary celebrations in 2012

I sent Neymar a message after the Croatia game and said, 'See? It's good to score with your left'

Nobody scored more goals for Santos than Pele - a quite staggering 1091 in 18 years - and in Lima’s opinion it is wrong to even try to compare Neymar, indeed any player, to his great friend.

‘‘No, no,’ says Lima. ‘You can’t compare any player with Pele, because you will never find another one like Pele.’ And in the museum Lima’s view is supported by a stunning photograph of Pele that is accompanied by a quote from a Brazilian sports writer. ‘There goes Pele with the ball that God gave him.’

One wonders if there is too much Neymar. There are so many other former Santos players, World Cup winners among them, who should be commanding more attention than a 22-year-old who, to date, has done relatively little. Even if he did reach 30 international goals faster than Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

But Antonio Lima Dos Santos, this charming, smiling 72-year-old, goes so far as to suggest that Neymar can unite the people of Brazil with the beauty of his football. ‘He has the power to move people,’ he says, before arguing that those angry about the sheer expense of hosting the World Cup should save their protests for nearer the Brazil election later this year.

Neymar very junior: The future Brazil superstar pictured in 2000, aged eight

Neymar very junior: The future Brazil superstar pictured in 2000, aged eight

Future hairo: A shaven-headed Neymar protectively holds a ball while a junior at Santos

Future hairo: A shaven-headed Neymar protectively holds a ball while a junior at Santos


Pele and Neymar's scoring records for Brazil


92 caps, 77 goals (1957-1971)


50 caps, 33 goals (2010-)

After pausing for thought, Lima does acknowledge that certain comparisons can be made with Pele. ‘In terms of attitude, they are the same,’ he says. ‘Neymar also has something that even Pele doesn’t. The speed of his feet and the way he can move the ball. Very fast.

‘The vision of the game, too, you can compare them. But the attitude is the thing that is most similar.

‘It frustrates me that Neymar plays on the left side for Brazil. No, let the boy play! Don’t hold him to a position.  Neymar can play everywhere. When you put him just in one position you make it better for the opposition.’

Lima has so many fond memories of the Barcelona superstar who now shoulders the burden of Brazil’s World Cup ambitions.

He was actually discovered by another Santos legend, Zito - nicknamed O Gerente – playing in a futsal tournament at 11-years-old. ‘In Brazil all kids start to play futsal before football,’ explains Luis Fernando Paes de Barros, who is another youth coach at Santos.

Thin on the ground: A skinny Neymar playing for Santos in 2009, when they already knew he could be a star Slim pickings: A scrawny Neymar for Santos

Thin on the ground: A skinny Neymar playing for Santos in 2009, when they already knew he could be a star

‘Until the age of 15 they play both. They benefit from playing on the smaller pitch indoors, in smaller teams; the size, the ball and also some technical aspects are different. We keep the futsal environment on the big field, working on the fast decision making, the movement without the ball, the tempo.

‘It helps players a lot. It helped Neymar a lot. In a regular football training session one player touches the ball every five minutes. In a futsal training session, every 20 seconds.’

Zito could see immediately that this boy from Mogi da Cruzes, in Sao Paulo, was special. He was signed immediately, and given a ‘salary’ of 450 reals per month (£120).

That money would encourage Neymar’s family to move to Santos, a middle class coastal city some 90 minutes-drive from the hustle and bustle of Sao Paulo with the largest beach garden in the world, as well as the largest port in Latin America.

Lima remembers a 13-year-old who would catch the bus to training from his parents’ home some 10 minutes from the stadium, and would hang out at the beach with his friends and eat ‘junk’.

Friends and colleagues: Antônio Lima dos Santos with his best mate Pele, playing for Santos in 1963

Friends and colleagues: Antônio Lima dos Santos with his best mate Pele, playing for Santos in 1963

As Neymar rose through the ranks at Santos the coaching staff would worry he lacked the strength and stature to cope with the physical demands of the senior game. But it was not just a case of building him up with a weights programme, says Lima. They also needed to educate him to eat proper food before he could accumulate the seven or eight kilogrammes he needed as an adult footballer.  

Perfect 10: Neymar even wears the same iconic number as Pele for Brazil

Perfect 10: Neymar even wears the same iconic number as Pele for Brazil

‘His size was always an issue,’ says Lima. ‘He was really thin so we had to change the nutrition. A doctor, a nutritionist, in Sao Paulo helped. But he would eat a lot of junk food. Burgers. He would eat anything. And he would drink sodas. We changed all that.

‘When he was in the Under 15s we helped him and his team-mates to  gain muscle. It certainly helped him.’

What also helped, says Lima, was his willingness to learn; to do whatever the coaches advised would make him a better footballer.

Lima says Neymar’s parents should take an enormous amount of credit for that. A traffic warden, his father demanded from Neymar and his sister that they understand the meaning of ‘respect’.

‘He always worked hard,’ says Lima. ‘If you said to Neymar he had to do this to become better, he would say “OK, I will do it”.

‘He was never a problem as a kid. When training had finished he was always the one who wanted to stay out and keep practising.’

It was early in Neymar’s development at Santos that Lima made what proved a hugely significant change.  

‘There was a game, around 2006, when I moved him back, more into the middle,’ says Lima. ‘He had always played as the striker and the team was losing 1-0 in this game against Sao Carlense.

Neymar's size was always an issue... he was really thin so we had to change his nutrition 

‘So I changed Neymar’s position and moved him deeper so he was more on the ball. We were losing 1-0 and Neymar made two goals and we won the game 4-1.

‘I’m not saying I was responsible for him being the player he is today but I played a part. That day changed everything.’

To begin with Neymar was not too keen on the idea. Lima made the point that as a centre forward, with his slight physique, he might struggle against bigger, stronger defenders. Neymar broke down in tears. ‘No, Profe,’ he pleaded. ‘You want to take me out of the area; you don’t want me to score?’ But Lima explained that he would see more of the ball and could be more influential.

‘At the same time I would make him practice all the time with his left foot,’ says Lima. ‘I was a defender but I would show him that if an opponent comes at you from one side it is much easier if you are comfortable on the other side. He would always ask me how he could be better and I would tell him to use his left foot.’

Raising the game: Pele won three World Cups - here he is being carried shoulder high in 1970

Raising the game: Pele won three World Cups - here he is being carried shoulder high in 1970

Until he moved to Barcelona, Neymar lived with his parents... and drove a Mini Cooper 

For as long as he was at Santos, until last year when he made that move to Spain, he lived with his parents. And the car he would drive on the sun-drenched streets of Santos? ‘A Mini Cooper,’ declares Lima. ‘It was a beautiful car.’

Pele, he recalls, drove a Mercedes. ‘He won the Mercedes,’ he says. ‘But even then we were well paid. I had a Brazilian make of car but it was a good car. When I played in Mexico I drove a Ford Mustang.

‘Life was good in Santos though. Pele never left because nobody paid the money Santos wanted but he didn’t need to either.’

He and Pele roomed together for more than a decade. How was that? ‘He snored, yes, muito (very much),’ he says. ‘And he used to think he was a good guitar player.

Shouldering the burden: The pressure is on Neymar to win a sixth World Cup for Brazil - and on home soil, too

Shouldering the burden: The pressure is on Neymar to win a sixth World Cup for Brazil - and on home soil, too

'The problem was that the melody would come during the night. It would be 3am and he would be there, playing the part. He would say to me, “It’s nice, a good song?” I’d say “No!”’

Will Neymar be having sleepless nights over the coming weeks?

‘Yes, it is a lot of pressure for him,’ says Lima. ‘But he can deal with it. He has always known how to do this. He knows what he represents to this country, and the people, and he will be fine.’


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